Prints and merchandise available at Conde Nast store.

Email me to inquire about original artwork, signed prints, or hand-colored versions.

Read the story of my first cartoon in the magazine.

"They fly all this way just to say they ate in the Hamptons."

Contest Winner - Victor Chongchua, Honolulu, HI

"Nothing has sold yet, but we've gotten a few nibbles."

Caption Contest winner - Doug Finkelstein, Redando Beach, CA

"How's everybody doing tonight on a scale of zero to ten, with ten being the worst you've ever felt?"

(collaboration with Shannon Odell)

"When I eat out, I like to order something I would never make at home."

"We sent you a secure access code! Do not share this code with anyone! Your access code will expire in ten minutes!"

Read the backstory of this cartoon (my first in the magazine).

"No Frodo, we are still many leagues from Mordor. This is from a wildfire by I-5 west of Bakersfield."

"The humans would have really enjoyed this."

(published 2-22-2022)

"So working from home is no longer an option?"

(collaboration with Shannon Odell)

Fear Today, Gone Tomorrow  (Daily Cartoon, Oct. 4, 2023)